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Caro SP, Delaitre S, Buatois B, Bonadonna F, Graham JL. (2023). The influence of plant odours on sexual readiness in an insectivorous songbird. Journal of Experimental Biology

Delaitre S, Doutrelant C, Caro SP. (2023). Whoever their partner, female blue tits breed the same? Behavioral Ecology (in press)

Delaitre S, van Oers KV, Visser ME, Caro SP. (2023) Female great tits (Parus major) reproduce earlier when paired with a male they prefer. Ethology.
López-Idiáquez D, Teplitsky C, Fargevieille A, Del Rey-Granado M, Mercier Gauthier R, de Franceschi C, Charmantier A, Doutrelant C, Réale D. (2023) Sex-dependent integration of ornamentation, personality, morphology, and life history. Behavioral Ecology.
Van de Walle J, Fay R, Gaillard J-M, Pelletier F, Hamel S, Gamelon M, Barbraud C, Blanchet FG, Blumstein DT, Charmantier A, Delord K, Larue B, Martin J, Mills JA, Milot E, Mayer FM, Rotella J, Saether B-E, Teplitsky C, van de Pol M, Van Vuren DH, Visser ME, Wells CP, Yarrall J & Jenouvrier S. (2023) Individual life histories: Neither slow nor fast, just diverse. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences
Vriend SFG, Grøtan V, Gamelon M, Adriaensen F, Ahola MP, Álvarez E, Bailey LD, Barba E, Bouvier JC, Burgess MD, Bushuev A, Camacho C, Canal D, Charmantier A, Doligez B, Drboniak SM, Dubiec A, Eens M, Eeva T, Erikstad KE, Ferns PN, Goodenough AE, Hartley IR, Hinsley SA, Ivankina E, Juškaitis R, Kempenaers B, Kerimov AB, Kålås JA, Lavigne C, Leivits A, Mainwaring MC, Martínez-Padilla J, Matthysen E, van Oers K, Orell M, Pinxten R, Reiertsen TK, Rytkönen S, Senar JC, Sheldon BC, Sorace A, Török J, Vatka E, Visser ME, Saether BE (2023) Temperature synchronizes temporal variation in laying dates across European hole-nesting passerines. Ecology.
Bailey L, van de Pol M, Adriaensen F, Arct A, Barba E, Bellamy P, Bonamour S, Bouvier J-C, Burgess M, Charmantier A, Cusimano C, Blandine D, Drobniak S, Dubiec A, Eens M, Eeva T, Ferns P, Goodenough A, Hartley I, Hinsley S, Ivankina E, Juskaitis R, Kempenaers B, Kerimov A, Lavigne C, Leivits A, Mainwaring MC, Matthysen E, Nilsson J-A, Orell M, Rytkönen S, Senar JC, Sheldon BC, Sorace A, Stenning MJ, Török J, van Oers K, Vatka E, Vriend S & Marcel Visser (2022). Bird populations most exposed to climate change are less sensitive to climatic variation. Nature Communications.
Bonnet T, Morrissey MB, de Villemereuil P, Alberts SC, Arcese P, Bailey LD, Boutin S, Brekke P,  Brent LJN, Camenisch G, Charmantier A, Clutton-Brock TH, Cockburn A, Coltman DW, Courtiol A, Davidian E, Evans SR, Ewen JG, Festa-Bianchet M, de Franceschi C, Gustafsson L, Höner OP,  Houslay TM, Keller LF, Manser M, McAdam AG, McLean E, Nietlisbach P, Osmond HL, Pemberton JM, Postma E, Reid JM, Rutschmann A, Santure AW, Sheldon BC, Slate J, Teplitsky C, Visser ME, Wachter B, Kruuk LEB. (2022) Genetic variance in fitness indicates rapid contemporary adaptive evolution in wild animals. Science.

Caizergues A, Gregoire A, Choquet R, Perret S, Charmantier A. (2022). Are behaviour and stress-related phenotypes in urban birds adaptive? Journal of Animal Ecology

Caizergues A, Le Luyer J, Grégoire A, Szulkin, M, Senar JC, Charmantier A* & Perrier C*. (2022). Epigenetics and the city: non-parallel DNA methylation modifications across pairs of urban-rural Great tit populations. Evolutionary Application. *shared senior authorship
López-Idiáquez D, Teplitsky, C, Gregoire A, Fargevieille A, del Rey M, de Franceschi C, Charmantier A, Doutrelant C. (2022)  Long-term decrease in colouration: a consequence of climate change. The American Naturalist
Patrick S C, Réale D, Potts J R, Wilson A J, Doutrelant C, Teplitsky C, Charmantier A. (2022) Differences in the temporal scale of reproductive investment across the slow-fast continuum in a passerine. Ecology Letters.
Thompson MJ, Capilla-Lasheras P, Dominoni DM, Réale D, & Charmantier A. (2022). Phenotypic variation in urban environments: mechanisms and implications. Trends In Ecology and Evolution.
Lambrechts M, Caro SP (2022). Egg cooling associated with nest size in a passerine bird. Journal of Thermal Biology
Capilla-Lasheras P, Thompson MJ, Sánchez-Tójar A, Haddou Y, Branston CJ, Réale D, Charmantier A & Dominoni DM.(2022). A global meta-analysis reveals higher variation in breeding phenology in urban birds than in their non-urban neighbours. Ecology Letters
Bastianelli O, Robert A, Doutrelant C, de Franceschi C, Giovannini P, Charmantier A. (2021) Identifying drivers of spatio-temporal variation in survival in four blue tit populations. Peer Community Journal 1:e11
Biquet J, Bonamour S, de Villemereuil P, de Franceschi, C & Teplitsky C. (2021) Phenotypic plasticity drives phenological changes in a Mediterranean blue tit population. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. (Stearns Prize Winner 2021)
Caizergues, A., Charmantier, A., Lambrechts, M.M., Perret, S., Demeyrier, V., Lucas, A. & Grégoire, A. 2021. An avian urban morphotype: how the city environment shapes Great tit morphology at different life stages. Urban Ecosystems. 24: 929–941.
Caro, S., Pierre, L., Bergès, M., Bakker, R., Doutrelant, C., & Bonadonna, F. (2021). Mutual mate preferences and assortative mating in relation to a carotenoid-based color trait in blue tits. Behavioral Ecology.
Culina, A., Adriaensen, F., Bailey, L.D., Burgess, M.D., Charmantier, A., Cole, E.F., Matthysen, E., Sheldon, B.C., Saether, B.-E., Vriend, S.J.G., Adamik, P., Artemyev, A., Banbura, J., Barba, E., Belda, E., Bilgin, C., Bleu, J., Both, C., Campobello, D., Cantarero, A., Caro, S., Cichoń, M., Cusimano, C., Dingemanse, N., Doligez, B., Doutrelant, C., Drobniak, S., Dubiec, A., Eens, M., Eeva, T., Erikstad, K.E., Goldshtein, A., Goodenough, A., Grégoire, A., Gustafsson, L., Hartley, I., Hau, M., Hegyi, G., Hille, S., Hinde, C., Isaksson, C., Kania, W., Kavak, P., Kempenaers, B., Kerimov, A., Krist, M., Lambrechts, M., Leivits, A., Massa, B., Massemin, S., Mänd, R., Mazgajski, T., Moreno, J., Mainwaring, M., Nilsson,J.-A., Norte, A.C., van Oers, K., Orell, M., Potti, J., Perrins, C.M., Quinn, J., Réale, D., Reiertsen, T.K., Røstad, O.W., Rytkonen, S., SenarJ.C., Slagsvold, T., Szulkin, M., Teplitksy, C., Török, J., Vatka, E., Verhulst, S., Yuta, T. & Visser, M.E. 2021. Connecting the data landscape of long-term ecological studies: The SPI-Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology. 90: 2147-2160
Dion-Phénix H, Charmantier A, De Franceschi C, Bourret G, Kembel S & Réale D. (2021) Bacterial microbiota similarity between predators and prey in a blue tit trophic network. The International Society of Microbial Ecology Journal (ISME) 15:1098-1107
Graham J., Charlier T., Bonadonna F. & Caro S. (2021) Olfactory detection of trace amounts of plant volatiles is correlated with testosterone in a passerine bird. Hormones and Behavior, 136: 105045.
Bonamour S, Chevin L-M, Réale D, Teplitsky C & Charmantier A. (2020). Age-dependent phenological plasticity in a wild bird. Journal of Animal Ecology.
de Villemereuil P, Charmantier A, Arlt D, Bize P, Brekke P, Brouwer L, Cockburn A, Côté SD, Dobson FS, Evans SR, Festa-Bianchet M, Gamelon M, Hamel S, Hegelbach J, Jerstad K, Kempenaers B, Kruuk LEB, Kumpula J, Kvalnes T, McAdam AG, McFarlane SE, Morrissey MB, Pärt T, Pemberton JM, Qvarnström A, Røstad O-W, Schroeder J, Senar JC, Sheldon BC, van de Pol M, Visser ME, Wheelwright NT, Tufto J & Chevin LM. 2020. Fluctuating optimum and temporally variable selection on breeding date in birds and mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (50): 31969-31978. 
Doutrelant, C., Fargevieille, A., & Grégoire, A. (2020). Evolution of female coloration: what have we learned from birds in general and blue tits in particular. Advances in the Study of Behavior, 52, 123-202.
Dutour, M., Levy, L., Lengagne, T., Holveck, M.-J., Crochet, P.-A., Perret, P., Doutrelant*, C. & Grégoire*, A. 2020. Hissing like a snake: bird hisses are similar to snake hisses and prompt similar anxiety behavior in a mammalian model. Behavioral Ecology Sociobiology 74, 1 doi:10.1007/s00265-019-2778-5
Lambrechts MM, Caizergues A, Perrier C, Charmantier A & Caro SP. (2020). Surface temperatures of non-incubated eggs in great tits (Parus major) are strongly associated with ambient temperature. International Journal of Biometeorology. 64 (10): 1767-1775.
Perrier C, Rougemont Q & Charmantier A. (2020). Demographic history and genomics of local adaptation in blue tit populations. Evolutionary Applications 13 (6):1145–1165.
Bonamour S, Chevin L-M, Charmantier A & Teplitsky C. (2019). Phenotypic plasticity in response to climate change: the importance of cue variation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 374: 20180178.
Holveck, M. J., Guerreiro, R., Perret, P., Doutrelant, C., & Grégoire, A. (2019). Eggshell coloration indicates female condition during egg-laying: a field experiment in blue tits. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128(1): 181-200.
Holveck, M. J., Grégoire, A., Doutrelant, C., & Lambrechts, M. M. (2019). Nest height is affected by lamppost lighting proximity in addition to nestbox size in urban great tits. Journal of Avian Biology 50(1). e01798. DOI: 10.1111/jav.01798
Radchuk V, Reed T, Teplitsky C, van de Pol M, Charmantier A, Hassall C, Adamík P, Adriaensen F, Ahola MP, Arcese P et al. (2019). Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient. Nature Communications 10 : 3109.
Caizergues, A.E., Grégoire, A. & Charmantier, A. 2018. Urban versus forest ecotypes are not explained by divergent reproductive selection. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 285(1882). 20180261.
Dubuc-Messier G, Caro SP, Perrier C, van Oers K, Réale D & Charmantier A. (2018). Gene flow does not prevent personality and morphological differentiation between two blue tit populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31 (8): 1127-1137. 
Perrier C, Delahaie B & Charmantier A. (2018). Heritability estimates from genome wide relatedness matrices in wild populations: application to a passerine, using a small sample size. Molecular Ecology Resources 18 (4): 838-853.
Perrier C, Lozano del Campo A, Szulkin M, Demeyrier V, Grégoire A & Charmantier A. (2018). Great tits and the city: distribution of genomic diversity and gene-environment associations along an urbanization gradient. Evolutionary Applications 11(5): 593-613.
Marrot P, Charmantier A, Blondel J & Garant D. (2018). Current spring warming as a driver of selection on reproductive timing in a wild passerine. Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (3): 754-764.
Mennerat A, Charmantier A, Jorgensen C & Eliassen S. (2018). Correlates of complete brood failure in blue tits: could extra-pair mating provide unexplored benefits to females? Journal of Avian Biology 49 (5):e0170
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